Presentations by Dr Brett Williams on Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements on goods and on services and investment for Seminar for Law Council of Australia on Tuesday 12 November 2024.
Presentation by Dr Brett Williams on "The US national security tariffs and the Chinese retaliation" presented at the China Economy Update conference, on Thursday 23 - Friday 24 November 2023 hosted by the China Economy Programme at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Presentation by Dr Brett Williams on "The Intractable Problem of Some WTO Members Inflating the Size of Dumping Duties on Imports from China" presented at 32nd Annual Conference of Chinese Economists Society of Australia on Tuesday 22 November 2022, hosted by the Department of Economics in the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
PPT Presentation
Appendix 1 - Extract of Provisions of GATT and WTO Anti-dumping Agreement
Appendix 2 - Paragraph 15 from the Protocol of Accession of the PRC to the WTO
Presentation on "Why is the USA threatening to close down WTO dispute settlement - One explanation" presented at University of Sydney Law School on 19 April 2018 to a symposium on "International Commercial Dispute Resolution for the 21st Century: Australian Perspectives". I suggest that the USA behaviour may not be explained by US concerns about the decision making process for appointment of WTO AB Members, or broader concerns about the WTO like reciprocity but might be a consequence of ordinary protectionist conduct: a group of local producers pressuring the US government to act in their interest. In particular, perhaps the US behaviour is explained by the influence of USA manufacturers, particularly steel and aluminium manufacturers, worried that WTO Dispute Settlement Rulings will find that methods used by the USA for determining the size of anti-dumping duties are not WTO consistent.
Presentation on the Linkage between Trade Negotiations on Trade in Agricultural Products and Negotiation of Protection for Geographical Indications, presented at the Annual Conference of the Inter Pacific Bar Association in Auckland on Saturday 8 April 2017.
The first three listed below deal with the Trans Pacific Partnership. The PPT on the Overview of the Trans Pacific Partnership describes the whole agreement. If you would like further explanation of any points, please do not hesitate to contact me through the Contact page.
Presentation on Overview of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement - the most significant discriminatory trade and investment agreement in history to a seminar of the International Law Section of the Law Council of Australia on 22 June 2016 at Dibbs Barker, Sydney office, updated earlier presentation given as a guest lecturer on Mon 18 April 2016 at the law school of the International Islamic University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Presentation on Are the Implementation Aspects of dispute resolution under TPP suitable for achieving the functions of the TPP? (with comparison with Australian FTAs) in the session Resolution of Trade Disputes in TPP and Other FTAs at the 26th Annual Meeting & Conference of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association, 13-16 April 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Presentation on "The Trans Pacific Partnership - Some Selected Aspects" 17 March 2016 at University of Sydney seminar hosted by Herbert Simth Freehills, Sydney office.
Presentation on Introduction to Trade Agreements between Australia and Japan 16 February 2016 at the University of Sydney.
Presentation on "Australia and the Opening of Markets for Legal Services: A Look Back and a Look Forward" at the Law Society of South Australia on 31 August 2015
Presentation on "Challenges for Timor-Leste in Acceding to the ASEAN Economic Community" at the 12th Asian Law Institute conference 2015 at the Faculty of Law, National Taiwan University on 22 May 2015 and at the International Law Association - American Society of International Law Asia-Pacific Research Forum on "Integrating the Asia-Pacific: Why International Law Matters? at the Taipei Regent on 26 May 2015.
Recent papers, presentation materials and links to media commentary or parliamentary submissions can be found via Blogs that Luke contributes to:
(a) Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific: eg
(b) Kluwer Arbitration Blog: eg
Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Be a Long-Term Game Changer for International Arbitration?
(c) Kluwer Mediation Blog: eg
Getting Into Gear: The Japan International Mediation Centre – Kyoto
(d) Erga Omnes (Sydney Centre for International Law): eg
On the famous Article XX case, US - Shrimp Turtle: A summary of the facts, a Reading Guide to important parts to read in the Panel, AB, 21.5 panel and 21.5 AB reports.